who we were

Constructive Individuals (London) Ltd ceased trading in May 2021. This website is an archive of the achievements of the company and, more to the point, its Clients. 

eb5e7d98-5517-42bd-83f1-2991f733f531jpg crest_reducedjpg 05a1a949e3294a1c95148a6632fb2d7dpng Peter Smithdale MscArch RIBA

Peter Joined the company in 1999 and became a director in 2005. He worked consistently on a wide range of projects, and this continued with his relocation to Australia six years ago until the company's closure in May 2021. In Australia he is active in the Passivhaus space as a designer and consultant. His passion is to refine the house design both as a home and a work of engineering. Peter has many years experience of Passivhaus projects, and gained his qualification as a Certified Passive House Designer in 2016. More about Peter in his LinkedIn profile.

ajr_169hjpg John Rees MCSD MBIAT 

John joined the company in 1999, and became a director in 2005. His experience in the building industry extends back to the 1960s. He is responsible for many of the community buildings in the back catalogue.